Stepping Stones Montessori School

Education for Life

A Montessori school for children ages 3 to 15 years

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Our mission is to prepare children for life.

Stepping Stones is not a typical school. We are a passionate community of self-directed children, Montessori-certified educators, supportive administrators, and dedicated parents. We partner with families so that we can better support the natural development of their children.

Why do so many families choose Montessori?

Individualized learning

Lessons are designed and given to each child when they are most ready to learn.

Whole child education

Social, emotional, and physical development is emphasized along with academic skills.

Empowered by choice

Freedom to move and choose activities fosters independence and self-confidence.

Supported by research

Current neurology and human development research consistently backs Montessori.


“I visited my son's classroom while he was in his first year of Children's House as a 3 year old. Signs of respect were everywhere. The teachers got down to the children's level when they gave a lesson or answered a question. When friends interacted, it was with kindness. And my son, the kid who's a wild man at home? He helped prepare a snack, quietly organizing the crackers and cutting slices of cheese for friends. My wife and I can't imagine having our children anywhere other than Stepping Stones.”

Matthew K.

“This is not just about education, though it's electrifying to watch my little ones' minds explode with new understanding about letters, sounds, numbers, diversity, grace, courtesy, community, and more. It's about something much deeper and much more important to me—connection. Connection to themselves, to each other, and to the world. This investment is no small task for my family, but what we receive from SSMS is invaluable to us."

Kate V.

Visit us!

We invite you to visit our school, meet the teachers, and observe the children in their classrooms. We encourage you to ask questions and learn about the opportunities available at all levels of our programs.

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The latest from our blog.

By Sarah Danielski 28 Nov, 2023

Montessori or Conventional:

What’s Best For Your Family?

Read the White Paper →

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