The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt
The Montessori Child, by Simone Davies
The Self-Driven Child, by Ned Johnson and William Stixrud, PhD
Raising Human Beings, by Ross Greene
Dr. Lisa Damour (You can follow her on Instagram for easy-to-digest daily reminders.)
TED Talks: The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
Association Montessori Internationale
What Happened When I Made My Sons and Their Friends Go Without Smartphones? (The Times of London)
Children Today Have Less Independence. Is That Fueling A Mental Health Crisis? (The Washington Post)
The Four Planes of Development
Main Campus
1110 College NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Middle school
1723 Pettis Ave NE
Ada, MI 49301
Stepping Stones Montessori School
Stepping Stones Montessori School