Stepping Stones Montessori School

Legacy Gifts

Legacy gifts to stepping stones

Including Stepping Stones in your estate plan is an easy way to create a legacy at the school and make sure that assets are available to you during your life.

What is a legacy gift?

Legacy gifts are made through estate planning and go into effect at the death of the donor. Legacy gifts can be made in many ways--by naming Stepping Stones as a beneficiary in a Will or trust, by naming Stepping Stones as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, and even by naming Stepping Stones as a beneficiary of a retirement account.

Each of these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is best to talk with your financial and legal advisors about which is the best for your situation and best helps you achieve your goals (such as tax benefits, family involvement, and ease of transfer).

Why should i let stepping Stones know if I’m including them in my estate plan?

Donors often believe that Stepping Stones does not want to know about the designation because Stepping Stones receives a legacy gift only when they die. The truth is that even though Stepping Stones may not receive the gift for many years, you are an inspiration to other donors! We would love to include you in our Legacy Society.

How do i let stepping stones know about my legacy gift?

Letting us know is easy. Just reach out to Elizabeth Topliffe at 616-451-8627 or Then we will be sure to recognize you through our Legacy Society.

Donations by Check directly to Stepping Stones Montessori

Online Donations
Donor Advised Fund
Gifts of Stocks and Mutual Funds
Qualified Charitable Distributions

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